5 Rules to Love
Rule 1: Be Honest
Rule 2: Be Fair
Rule 3: Be Understanding
Rule 4: Be Consistent
Rule 5: Be Sweet

5 Rules of Love
Rule 1: She/He is Right
Rule 2: You are wrong
Rule 3: If ever you are right... YOU'RE WRONG
Rule 4: If she's/he's right... Expect it to be rubbed in.
Rule 5: Always end with an "I Love You!"

5 Steps to Relationship Peace
Step 1: Shut Up
Step 2: Shut Up
Step 3: Shut Up
Step 4: Shut Up
Step 5: Say you're sorry

5 Steps to Moving On
Step 1: Stop talking about it
Step 2: Stop thinking about it
Step 3: Stop dedicating stuff to him/her
Step 4: Don't find a "replacement"
Step 5: REALLY Move On!

5 Steps to NOT Moving On
Step 1: Showing him/her you've moved on
Step 2: Telling everybody you've moved on
Step 3: Waiting for a call or text
Step 4: Hoping to see him/her
Step 5: Accidentally "missending" him/her a text

5 Steps to Waiting
Step 1: Keep yourself busy
Step 2: Stop being bitter
Step 3: Don't rush him/her
Step 4: Actually Wait
Step 5: Know when to stop waiting

5 Things You Need to Know About Life
First: Life is always fair, you just think it isn't
Second: Life isn't a game... but play it anyway
Third: Life isn't funny, laugh anyway
Fourth: Life becomes a burden when you take it too seriously
Fifth: Life doesn't plan for you, you plan for life
Posted by yabs on December 10, 2007 at 01:47 PM | Comments

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