Self-induced neurosis
Bound by emotional jealousy
Resentful of other's joy

Always meticulously searching
For that drama within happiness
A ball-and-chain in freedom

Self-indulgent sorrow
Simply covered by denial
Narcissistic in a sense

In proclaimed search
But never in action
Just foul-mouthed hot air

Opportunity presents itself
It chases and haunts
It invites in hope

Sadly ineffective to the mind
A mind convinced of it's inadequacies
Convinced of it's phantom fears

Living in procrastination
Bathing in the memories of tears
Tears that should have stopped then

On a pause that's longer than forever
Frozen stiff by this uber emotionality
No plans or will to be productive

Posted by yabs on August 6, 2008 at 04:41 PM | Comments

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