I Cannot Wait To Lose
You finally did it
To a point that I've taken notice
As much as I try to deny it
You have given me a reason to look
You have sparked my interest
Taken my attentionÄ
But I will not let you succeed easily
I am on my guard due to my past
The lessons I've learned
Will keep me cautious
They will save me from harm
And protect you from my curse
If you want to win
You have to have something better
An ace up your sleeve...
Because I will not be taken so easily
I want you to win
I pray for your success
Because it is my success
My God-given resolution
Spent a long time alone
Working on avoiding mistakes
So I will not endanger myself
By making another error
Although I am so ready to lose,
I will not give in without being sure
And until I see proof..
Proof that it is all worth it
That you are worth it
That you see me as worth it
That this is not another mistake
Finally a success...
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