One Two Three FOUR One
Mixed-up with so many bad things
Fighting for that which was wrong
Unwillingly willing
To be a pawn in this devil's game
Unknowingly knowing
That it was I that was to blame
Then you came
Into my life
Cut into the illusion
Like a truth-edged knife
Glad was I
That I was free
The "I" I knew
Now became "We"
We had a bliss-filled love
With risks and secrets to share
Always ready
Knowing there's someone there
This union
So great and amazingly true
Soon blossomed
Plus one between me and you
Now we were a family
full of God-given dreams
What I thought was forever
Was truly shorter than what it seems
Amidst the ideals
Of us - the joyful three
Came a few other bastards
That cut between you, I and she
Lost once again
Solitary in heart and mind
No longer idealistic
Cursed by a fate so unkind
Back to "I"
But now bitter and unhopeful
Forgotten myself
Sad, hurt and shameful
Back to One
Despite the rain of loving
A familiar stranger
Perpetually grieving
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