Existence that's flawed

Up to the very last

But feelings so intense

That none can surpass


It's a love

That I dare not forget

So too comes tears

That I dare not regret


From our plethora

f smiles and kisses

To these other men

I now compare to feces


From a family

We called our own

To reaping the consequences

Of what we've sown


From protecting you

From a pedictable fate

To protecting you

From those instilled with hate


Those things you try

And the risks you take

To all the lies

That you dare to make


From being one

To being alone

From sharing nothing

To having none


Hopelessly believed

as the best years and the worst

Unknowingly Labeled

As the lucky and the cursed

Posted by yabs on August 6, 2008 at 03:59 PM | Comments

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