If you're afraid of what your loved ones will say about you when you do something that makes you happy and does not destroy you, then that just means they're holding you back. (or you have poor judgment)

If he/she says "I Love You!" and then sets rules that limit what you do despite your commitment towards him/her, then that just means they don't trust you. (or you just don't know your correct limits)

If people keep ruining your name despite the fact that you feel you are doing the right thing and have never hurt anybody, that just means they're jealous. (or maybe you just don't notice who might have gotten hurt along the way)

If you present a sound idea and know that you have thought about it well enough to know it is effective but someone disagrees with you and suggests an idea that you don't agree with, that just means they haven't thought about it as well as you did. (or maybe they could just have a different opinion and you just have a closed mind)

Life is based on perspective...

It could be half empty or it could be half full

You could be fast or they could just be slow

Just because you are smarter than them, it doesn't mean they're stupid

If you had a Steak and he only had soup, are you richer than he is?

If you 2 choices and the one you picked was correct, does that mean the other choice was wrong?

If you ate something and it made you choke, gag and puke, does that mean the food was bad? or did you just have a different opinion on what is good and bad?

Just because you see the world in black and white, doesn't mean that the world is in fact simply Black and White.

Posted by yabs on May 29, 2009 at 12:33 AM | 1 Feedback

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Comment posted on May 29th, 2009 at 12:56 AM