After all the righteous sermons
On how being happy
In anything you do
Will guarantee success

After each fall
I learned how to rise
And to do what I thought
Could bring me bliss

After getting almost everything
That I have ever wanted
I found myself
Wanting even more

Seeing all that I held
In such high esteem
Become my current path
My creative freedom as a career

Doing what I enjoy
In the leisure of words
To earn from what I loved
And valued beyond comparison

Beyond the things I do for myself
I realized today
That I don't know
What really makes me happy

For my once priceless words
Must now be gauged
Simplified to a tangible equivalence
Of checks, bills or coins

Posted by yabs on December 16, 2009 at 02:20 AM | 2 Feedback

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Comment posted on December 16th, 2009 at 06:55 AM
i remembered the words of jason mraz. after his first album, waiting for my rocket to come, he felt like he wasn't singing because he loved singing anymore. He felt like his music, his love, has been exploited.
i remembered, YABS, was a word that meant a lot to me before. T_T
Comment posted on December 16th, 2009 at 01:05 PM
that's exactly how I feel. Exploited... Like I sold the only thing I had that defines me. My writings are no longer a work of intimate thoughts that flow when ever I feel like writing. Now there's always a deadline and even if I get praised for my work, I don't find meaning in it.

Thanks for reading... YABS