Nothing less than a lonely day. Sipping coffee at a time when I’m supposed to be rejoicing with family. Tonight is a simple and a less than mildly depressing event. A broken leg, hot cup noodles and the silence of a house that was never a home. A singular word describes my current evening – Alone. Money matters separate me from family. Selfish intentions isolate me from blood. My presence at a reunion replaced by their desire for spring chicken. I mean good god, the only mode of transportation I have to join my family was taken from me so somebody can cook chicken.

Though I succeed at avoiding bitterness during the holidays, the feeling of sadness envelops me in each step I take. Slowly limping my way to the kitchen to check on my cup noodles knowing well that this is not how things are supposed to be. Yet here I am, at this exact moment… living in THIS moment. Three text messages saying “Merry Christmas!” as I politely reply the same with the knowledge of the inconsolable.  Then all my phone credits are spent further emphasizing my isolation.

My throat dries up and my knees buckle at each thought of past happy Christmas days. Christmas songs play and the air is filled with whimsy… but not for me. I decide to give my dogs a Christmas dinner from the 40 pesos I have in my pocket. Mediocrity seeps in but I smile at the sight of these animals wagging their tails at the sight of a warm meal. And I’d like to think, because of my presence.

The cold night air seems warm in comparison to the freezing atmosphere of loneliness.  With the television on and nothing good to watch, I kept surfing channel after channel. The sounds comfort me emotionally as if there was someone there. A trick done for dogs that worked wonders on me. At least temporarily.

Laughter echoing from the neighboring houses. Fireworks lighting the ebony sky like sparks from an ungrounded wire. Voices yelling their Christmas greetings and children running in the streets while others sing around a guitar player. At the street corner a roaring fire can be seen from this house that has become my glass cage. The fire rises and moves in waves mocking me with heat that I cannot feel. The cinders and smoke I can smell but not enjoy.

I retire to my room and wrap myself in a blanket as I rock myself to sleep to comfort my grieving soul. No amount of writing provides release. No photos provide inspiration. Today I saw no smiles. Today I walked alone around town despite my broken leg. Today I had nothing to drink, no decent meal to eat… Today I regret that I am still awake. Because today is my first Christmas alone.

Posted by yabs on December 25, 2009 at 04:25 AM | 1 Feedback

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anon (guest)

Comment posted on December 25th, 2009 at 07:55 AM
this is sad, house that never was a home... you will pass that time.... in time.